Saturday, July 3, 2010

Boys Yearly Yosemite Trip

As much as I dread this trip every year, the boys look forward to it tremendously. Maybe its the city girl in me that doesnt like the most amazing man/boy I have ever met backpacking through forest of danger from wildlife or mother nature. I hold it in (for the most part) how much this stresses me out so that I dont steel their thunder as they load up the packed van of gear with 5 boys and 3 men. are all the many reasons I need to let go and be at peace/
1. God is in Control...He always is!!!
2. Aaron and Justus get to bond and depend on each other without me around:)
3. I love that Aaron is with two great guys and one is a guy that I went to high school and I consider him to be a godly, fun, and friend for life!!!
4. They get to do all kinds of guys stuff and be stinky for 4 days with no one to judge them or make them wash themselves. (I am laughing hard as I write this).
5. I also know that one day both of them will look back at this yearly trip with such amazing memories that they will take with them forever...I smile writing that.
6. My house is actually really clean when they are gone...sshhhh dont tell I dont want them to feel bad.
7. The girls and I get a lot of time together.
8. I get a lot more rest...again shhh dont tell.
9. I am reminded how much I love, appreciate, and enjoy Aaron and Justus and it keeps me from taking any of that for granted. They both bring so much joy and adventure that I might not experience had I not been blessed with them.
10. The most important one...I get time to pray, reflect, and ask God to change me in the areas that will bless each one of them tremendously as a wife/mom.

I miss them soo much and look forward to hearing their laughter through the door and their stories of adventure.

Here are some pics from last years trip.

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